Neurologists, which are also called "brain doctors," nervous system specialists, neurology specialists, etc., are doctors who specialize in diseases and disorders of the brain and nervous system. Usually, you have a neurologist if you have an obvious condition that requires this type of medical specialist. However, you may also be referred to a neurologist for some unusual reasons.
Nervous Tics
If you develop a nervous tic, one which you find impossible to control when you are nervous, you might be referred to a neurologist. These types of tics are not always psychological in nature. Some of them are the body's way of alerting you to things you should avoid. The neurologist will perform some tests and ask you a series of questions to help you figure out if there is a physical reason for developing a tic disorder.
Extreme Anxiety
Extreme anxiety is a psychological issue, but there may be a biochemical reason why. If you have not been diagnosed with anxiety in the past several years, or at any point in your life, something in your brain or nervous system has changed. The neural pathways in your brain could be off, or there may be a biochemical change in your body. Whatever the reason, the neurologist will probably request an MRI to spot abnormalities affecting your right frontal lobe (the area of the brain responsible for emotions), or your amygdala, which control emotional responses and reactions to environmental stimuli.
Hypersensitivity to Touch
Developing hypersensitivity to touch can be the result of a brain tumor, or it can be one of the first signs of pseudo-bulbar effect. This disorder causes patients to react in an over-emotional and often inappropriate way. It can be accompanied by hypersensitivity to touch, which causes a person to cry or laugh every time he or she is touched or has a sexual encounter. A neurologist takes a personal medical history from you, performs some tests and scans, and alerts you to suspected disorders in the brain and nervous system.
Raynaud's Syndrome
This is a disorder where your toes and fingers are constantly ice-cold in response to weather or stress. The bizarre part is that most sufferers rarely feel the problem themselves. Doctors and family members will notice this issue sooner than the patient does. A neurologist can properly diagnose Raynaud's and help you treat it. Until you see a neurologist and discover that you have Raynaud's, it is best to wear warm socks and mittens often.
Contact a medical provider, such as at North Texas Neuroscience Center PA , for more help.