If you are a parent, you want to ensure your child is as healthy as possible. Unfortunately, your child may be susceptible to catching the common cold, which is caused by a viral infection that impacts your child's upper respiratory. Colds are called common because between daycare and school, catching a cold is often unavoidable for most children. Here are a few of the most common myths and misconceptions concerning the common cold in children.
Antibiotics Will Help Your Child Get Well
One of the most common and potentially dangerous myths concerning the common cold is that the sickness can be treated with antibiotics. Before contacting your pediatrician, realize that the common cold is caused by a virus and, therefore, cannot be treated by antibiotics. Instead, antibiotics can only treat a bacterial infection.
If your child has the symptoms of a common cold, including a runny nose, congestion, a cough, and a low-grade fever, the best way to help your child feel better is to follow your pediatrician's recommendations. This typically includes making sure your child gets plenty of fluids and rest. However, if the cold does not go away after a few days or your child' symptoms get worse, it is important to talk to your pediatrician to determine there is nothing more serious occurring.
You Need to Feed Your Child's Cold and Starve Their Fever
There is a very familiar saying that many parents swear by that states that in order for your child to get better, you need to feed the cold but starve the fever. However, before you do this, realize that the best thing you can do for your child, no matter what the symptoms of their common cold, is to make sure your child is well hydrated.
If your child has an appetite, giving your child plenty of water or fruit juice and healthy snacks will help keep your child's energy up and ensure your child gets better faster.
Your Child Will Catch If They Get a Chill
Finally, one of the most common myths about colds is that if your child is outdoors playing the snow too long, your child will inevitably catch a cold. The common cold is once again an upper respiratory viral infection, which means that your child will need to come into contact with the virus. For example, if your child shares a drink with a friend and the friend has a cold, your child could become infected.
The common cold is often unavoidable, and as a parent, the best thing you can do is prepare to care for your child when they become sick. If you have any more questions about the common cold, contact your pediatrician.