Gynecology is the medical specialty that deals with diseases of the female reproductive system. A gynecologist diagnoses and treats disorders in women's health, including but not limited to infertility, menstrual cycle, menopause, and pregnancy complications. In other words, they often help with a wide range of gynecological issues, reproductive medicine, prenatal care, obstetrics, and so much more.

Here are five principal signs that you need to visit an OBGYN today:

1. Discharge

Abnormal vaginal discharge is a common problem among women. Although many women ignore it, the symptoms are often accompanied by other conditions such as infections or even gynecological diseases. If you feel that your discharge is different from usual, go immediately to an OBGYN.

2. Irregular Periods

If you notice that your monthly periods are coming more often or less frequently than usual, it might be time to visit a gynecologist. Your OBGYN can test hormone levels and make sure everything is in working order. They will also give you essential tips on ways to manage the condition.

3. Vaginal Bleeding

When you're having any vaginal bleeding, you should see your OBGYN immediately. Even if it's just spotting, a gynecologist can determine what is causing it and how to stop it. If the bleeding becomes more than spotting or lasts for several weeks, an OBGYN may need to do some advanced tests in order to determine its underlying cause. Always remember that one cause of vaginal bleeding in women is cervical cancer. This cancer is often slow-growing and easily treatable when caught early enough.

4. Pain in Your Pelvic Region

If you feel pain in your pelvic region, such as in the abdominal area or lower back, you should consult a gynecologist. This pain can come from several conditions, including ovarian cysts and endometriosis. Other causes of pelvic pain include urinary tract infections, fibroids, and even pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

5. Cramps During Your Period

Many women experience cramps before, during, and after their periods. The crumps are caused by the uterus contracting as blood leaves the body. When you are having your period, take note of the level of discomfort you feel. If it is particularly bad and continues to get worse, speak with a gynecologist. If your cramps are so severe that they cause nausea or vomiting, see a doctor immediately. You could have an obstructed or ectopic pregnancy, which requires immediate care.

Gynecologists are some of the most important medical professionals in society. They play a vital role in diagnosing and treating many conditions that affect women. They are more than just doctors who help with pregnancy and childbirth. Contact a gynecologist to learn more.
