It can be annoying to wear glasses, but it's even more annoying not to wear them and be unable to see. If you have vision issues with both distance and reading, you need something more than traditional mono-lens glasses. Check out the pros and cons of progressive lenses to see if they are right for you.

Pro: You Don't Have to keep Switching Glasses Constantly

Some people have a hard time seeing distance, which means they are nearsighted. Others can't see objects that are close, such as books, which means they are farsighted. If you are one or the other, a single pair of glasses is enough, but if you have a hard time seeing objects at a distance and up close, you may have two pairs of glasses. This can become annoying as you constantly switch from one pair to the next. Progressive lenses eliminate the need to switch glasses because they combine the two glasses.  

Pro: You Can Get Progressive Contacts

Not everyone loves the look of glasses. For some people, they can affect their self-esteem. Plus, they can make normal activities, like lying down on your side impossible. Luckily, if you need progressive lenses, you aren't stuck with glasses. Progressive contacts exist. They come in both soft and ridged material, but the rigid material is believed to be best because it holds its form better. With progressive contacts, you can get better vision without anyone knowing you even have a vision impairment.

Pro: They Create a Smooth Transition

Progressive lenses combine two glasses in one, but that's not all they do. Instead of abruptly jumping from near objects to far objects, which can create a jarring transition, progressive lenses slowly transition from near to middle to distance. This way, you get a smooth transition. However, on top of that, you get a wider range of focus. You can use the near for up close objects, such as books. The middle range works for objects like computers. Lastly, the distance can be used for seeing far.

Con: There Is a Learning Curve to Using Them

When you have conventional glasses, you can typically look out of any part of the lenses and see clearly. However, because progressive lenses have different prescriptions in one lens, this isn't the case. The bottom half of the glasses are usually for close objects, while the top half is for distance. So if you are looking through the bottom half of your glasses, but you are looking into the distance, things will be blurry. Similarly, if you are trying to read through the top half of your glasses, you may have difficulty. You'll have to train your eyes to look through the right area at the right time.

Con: Progressive Lenses May Make Hinder Your Peripheral Vision

One annoyance you may find with progressive lenses over traditional bifocals or conventional glasses is that your peripheral vision may be hindered. Technology has improved, making the lenses better than in the past. However, the process to create progressive lenses naturally affects the left and right side of the glasses, so you may not be able to see as well if you look out the sides of the lenses.

Con: Progressive Lenses Are More Expensive Than Regular Bifocals

Unfortunately, progressive lenses tend to cost more than regular lenses and even bifocals. If you have good vision insurance that covers most or all of the cost of the lenses, this may not be a problem. However, a lot of people don't have any vision coverage or minimal vision coverage. So you may have to pay for the entire amount out of pocket.

Progressive lenses make it so you don't have to keep switching glasses, but it takes time to get used to using them. If you would like to learn more about progressive lenses or other bifocal options, contact an optician in your area today or visit All About Eyes.
