If you are a middle aged or older adult who has just started to develop a bladder control or incontinence issue, then it is wise to seek out help from your local urologist. Stress incontinence is one of the most common bladder control issues. If you release an unexpected trickle of urine when stress or pressure is placed on the abdomen, then you have stress incontinence. Vaginal pessaries and urethra inserts can both be used to stop incontinence episodes. However, you can also try some natural methods to control your stress incontinence issue. Keep reading to learn about what you can do.
Cut Down On Bladder Irritants
There are a wide variety of substances that can irritate your bladder and cause the bladder to spasm. The spasms are meant to create an urge or sensation that you have to urinate. You then will need to go to the bathroom and the irritant will be released from your bladder. However, if you have a stress incontinence problem, then the spasms can cause you to leak urine. To avoid this problem, it is best to reduce the amount of irritants that may end up in your bladder.
Alcohol is one of the most significant irritants, so try to cut back on your alcohol consumption. If you do consume alcoholic drinks, then try to stick to ones with a low alcohol content. A drink with an alcohol level between .5% and 1.2% per volume is considered a low alcohol drink. Cocktails usually contain less alcohol than wine or beer, as long as you choose the right concoction. Mimosas, bellinis, and country club coolers are three examples of low alcohol cocktails you can try.
Caffeine is also a bladder irritant, so try to reduce your consumption of tea and coffee. Acidic fruit juices, cranberries, tomato sauce, carbonated sodas, and sugar can cause irritation issues as well.
Lose Belly Fat
If you are overweight and carry the majority if the weight around your abdomen, then you are likely placing direct pressure on your bladder. This extra pressure can cause an incontinence episode. This means that you can cut down on bladder stress and a leaking bladder simply by reducing your belly fat. Unfortunately, this is probably a harder task than it seems. The amount of visceral fat that sits around your abdomen is often influenced by a wide variety of factors that include your age, genes, and hormones. This means that a simple diet change and cardiovascular workout may not do the trick. However, your body will burn off a good deal of fat, including the visceral abdominal fat, if you start a strength training regimen. The regimen will burn off fat when you train and afterwards as well. The training will boost your metabolism so that new muscle tissues can be built. It also will strengthen the abdominal muscles so your bladder can be properly supported.
Strength training involves weight lifting and the use of resistance machines like elliptical, rowing, stair climbing, cable press, and lat pulldown machines. You can purchase a strength training machine and some free weights to use at home. You also can go to your local gym to use the machines. Strength training about three to four times each week is a good idea to lose belly fat.
Also, make sure to avoid foods with refined sugars and carbohydrates, and stay away from foods with saturated fats as well. These food items can greatly increase belly fat.
If you have a stress incontinence issue, then you can do some basic things at home to reduce the amount of urine that your bladder is likely to leak. Reducing bladder irritants and starting a strength training regimen are two things you can do. Speak with your urologist, like those at Advanced Urology Associates, about other activities that may assist you.